Monday, 28 October 2013

The psychedelic maze art of number 53

primaze 53
Maze of the prime number 53 written out in long form roman numerals - maze's solution found right here
Why are prime numbers such a fun way to play roulette? Certainly every person has his own way that he enjoys doing things and playing. One of the great ways to enjoy roulette is with prime numbers. Now, we all know that roulette is a game of chance and that there is no guarantee that you’ll hit the mark when you play with prime numbers or in any other way. However, with prime numbers, you have a formula for yourself where you have 10 numbers from which to work. For the black numbers, this includes 11, 13, 17, 29 and 31. For the red numbers it includes 1, 3, 5, 7 and 23. This will give you a great opportunity to have fun using these combinations. Now, before you start playing, remember that you can stretch your mental awareness by trying out a maze before you jump into the roulette game. The maze that you play and that you enjoy will allow you to strengthen your mental ability and to come to the roulette game even more alert and ready to have a great time. A maze, like a crossword puzzle or another mind teaser, allows you to get your mind going and to really think about mind bending activities. And then you will have more fun as you get to the roulette game.

Get more awesome mazes at PRIMAZE BLOG

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Black and white Primaze

maze of the prime number 23
Primaze 23 as black and white op art - Find the maze Solution Here
If you're wondering who all the relaxed-looking people are who are involved in their mobile devices on the train, in the park, during breaks at work and while they're sitting in the evening on their front porch with their cat gazing attentively at their mobile screen, online gaming is the answer. These are the new online casino gamers who are now able to access their favorite casino games right at the mobile casino. The mobile casino offers convenient gaming opportunities for featurephone, smartphone and tablet owners who can play at any time, from any location via their handheld mobile device. You may be astounded to hear that online casino gaming is one of the most-widely recommended forms of relaxation by mental health professionals and counselors who suggest the activity to their clients as a way of winding down after a difficult day at work or detaching from overwhelming home and family responsibilities. The activity brings all of the best casino games, including card games, table games, online lotteries and slot machines, directly to the mobile screen. The casino features high resolution graphics, engaging animations and a realistic sound track of themed music and casino shouts and cheers to create a genuine Las Vegas casino atmosphere of gaming thrills and fun.

Prime Number Mazes -The Primaze Collection